The First One to Speak Loses

Epigraph is from one of my favorite books.

What we, or at any rate what I, refer to confidently as memory—meaning a moment, a scene, a fact that has been subjected to a fixative and thereby rescued from oblivion—is really a form of storytelling that goes on continually in the mind and often changes with the telling. Too many conflicting emotional interests are involved for life ever to be wholly acceptable, and possibly it is the work of the storyteller to rearrange things so that they conform to this end. In any case, in talking about the past we lie with every breath we draw.

—William Maxwell, So Long, See You Tomorrow

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Day 12: July 13, 2013

Now I know another reason why the Temecula Libray is so crowded. The quiet sitting area is like a furniture showroom filled with comfortable chairs, a huge work table, and good lighting. It was so peaceful that I was conscious of turning my pages for fear of disturbing someone. A few people in there had lap tops and ear phones, others silently read. As for me, I slowly read 50 pages and addressed pacing issues as well as typos, etc. My new blue pen scratched my notes and slashed some of my darlings. After a few hours I packed up, treated myself to sushi, and drove back to Dorland. Tonight I finished reading, scratching and slashing. Still not finished . . . Now I input the changes into the computer, read it again, and then put it to bed. Let's hope it's done!

Tried to capture the fog and hot air balloon rides very early this morning.

Early evening rocking (reading) chair and sky   . . .

 Sushi Saturday . . .

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